Garbha Panchanga August 2017

Date : 1st August 2017
Tithi : Navami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Vishakha
Yoga : Shukla
Karna : Koulava
Shivoham !
Navami, Mangala Vaara, Vishakha Nakshatra, Shukla Yoga, Koulava Karna.
Devi manifests Her divinity as Gouri , who is the focused one. Along with Mangala, she causes the focus to be on auspiciousness.
This is a good time for prayers and penance seeking Grace for manifestation of our desires.
Once sought , we live a life without anxiety and let Grace do what we need.
Health, Prosperity, Success, Peace and Knowledge - each seed ( which is inside us) can blossom to yield the fruit of happiness! Water the plant with Shraddha and Bhakti!
Chant Mangala Gayatri 21 times and seek Devi's Blessings !
Shivoham !

Date : 2nd August 2017
Tithi : Dashami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Anuradha
Yoga : Brahma
Karna : Garija
Shivoham !
Dashami, Budha Vaara, Anuradha Nakshatra, Brahma Yoga, Garija Karna.
The mind seems to be active - often acts without 'my' control. I am often helpless in such situations.
The mind gets its inputs through the sense organs or my preset patterns. The root cause is in what is being projected by the projector - the screen merely displays that !
Guidance of Gurus , ability to discriminate and putting a structure to thinking carries the keys for such situations.
Teach this to your child . Guru and Shani are great teachers for all situations and Budha helps in discernment.
Chant Guru Gayathri 27 times and Shani Gayatri 33 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 3rd August 2017
Tithi : Ekadasi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Jyestha
Yoga : Indra
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Ekadasi, Guru Vaara, Jyestha Nakshatra, Indra Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
The drawers is a table are the places which need periodic cleaning. We use it every day and often put in things we don't need at that moment, or just leave things there out of habit.
This is the way we often keep unnecessary thoughts within us. They may even clog the way for the useful thoughts to emerge.
Today is a day for cleansing. Slow down , sit for a few minutes, breathe easy and see what is necessary and what is not , what is useful and what is not etc. Discard the unwanted and make way for the needed.
Chant Shani Gayatri 33 times today and Budha Gayatri 24 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 4th August 2017
Tithi : Dwadashi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Moola
Yoga : Vaidhruti 
Karna : Baalava
Shivoham !
Dwadashi, Shukra Vaara, Moola Nakshatra, Vaidhruti Yoga, Baalava Karna.
Today is Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata day. Mahalakshmi who is described as Paataala Vaasini, comes up from the depths to the realms above to create energies of Abundance. She rides atop of her alter-ego Alakshmi to enter higher levels of consciousness in human beings.
Seek Grace of abundance for your child and chant this 24 times today -
"Mahalakshmi Cha Vidmahe
Vishnu Patni Cha Dheemahi
Tanno Lakshmeehi Prachodayaat"
Shivoham !

Date : 5th August 2017
Tithi : Trayodashi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Purva Ashada
Yoga : Vishkhumba
Karna : Koulava
Shivoham !
Trayodashi, Shani Vaara, Purva Ashada Nakshatra, Vishkhumba Yoga, Koulava Karna.
Shani will powerfully drive the energies of the day. Be measured with the actions today. If done with restraint and systematically, actions today will bear fruit. Difficult tasks will find resolution today, if done with restraint.
Teach your child the value of step-by-step approach in action. Fast and furious is a figment of movies and TV. That is suited for emergency situations only. Otherwise being composed and methodical is a value worth adopting.
Chant Shani Gayatri 33 times and Mangala Gayathri 21 times today .
Shivoham !

Date : 6th August 2017
Tithi : Chaturdashi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Uttara Ashada
Yoga : Preeti
Karna : Garija
Shivoham !
Chaturdashi, Ravi Vaara, Uttara Ashada Nakshatra, Preeti Yoga, Garija Karna.
Surya's energies rule the day - just as Chandra's energies recede in the night caused by an eclipse.
Surya stands for life, knowledge and regeneration. Observe the cyclical nature in the way all things in nature work. 
Which parts of you are not cyclical ? Think of this and seek Grace for the child to be bestowed with higher knowledge.
Chant Surya Gayatri 15 times in the morning and evening today.
Shivoham !

Date : 7th August 2017
Tithi : Poornima
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Sravana
Yoga : Ayushmaan
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Khandagras Grahana
Poornima, Soma Vaara, Sravana Nakshatra, Ayushmaan Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
Mind is symbolised by the Moon. Mind is the index of our self - and our face is the index of our feelings.
Emotions and thoughts make up most of our life. Body rests as a prop to host these experiences!
With a Grahana , a realignment of energies between the body , Mind and emotions happens. Since the permutations and combinations are infinite, we should resort to our faith and prayers I such periods.
Chant Devi Stutis at night today - around 11 PM if you can stay awake.
During the day, chant Chandra Gayathri 18 times and Rahu/ Ketu Gayatri 36/39 times . Seek Grace of Devi for the child and family.
Shivoham !

Date : 8th August 2017
Tithi : Prathami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Dhanistha
Yoga : Shobhana
Karna : Baalava
Shivoham !
Prathami, Mangala Vaara, Dhanistha Nakshatra, Shobhana Yoga,  Baalava Karna.
Mangala is the Lord of the day and Nakshatra!
After the Grahana yesterday, a recouping of energies will happen today.
Begin the day with 24 chants of Gayathri Mantra - Om Tat Savitru Varaenyam , Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dheeyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat.
Explain the importance of the cycle of day and night to your child - how each supports the other.
Chant Mangala Gayatri 24 times in the evening.
Shivoham !

Date : 9th August 2017
Tithi : Dwiteeya
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Shatabhisha 
Yoga : Shobhana
Karna : Taitala
Shivoham !
Dwiteeya, Budha Vaara, Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Shobhana Yoga, Taitala Karna.
The energies of Budha rule the day.  The energies are ideal for quick thinking, pleasant talking and ease of transactions.
The more significant aspect of the energy is that it brings up choices and chooses easily!
This is essential in both normal and spiritual paths. Seek Grace for your child to be blessed with these abilities.
Chant Budha Gayatri 24 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 10th August 2017
Tithi : Triteeya
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Purva Bhadrapaada
Yoga : Atiganda
Karna : Vanija
Shivoham !
Triteeya, Guru Vaara, Purva Bhadrapaada Nakshatra, Atiganda Yoga, Vanija Karna.
Guru helps in the higher human realms - like knowledge, ethics and codes, progeny/wealth and spiritual aspirations.
Guru as a mentor and guide stays with us permanently on a 24/7 basis , whether we know it or not. The connection with the Guru is seamless and without restraint.
Such powerful connection is sustainable on the basis of complete faith and devotion. It is at a level of higher knowledge , beyond the comprehension of senses.
Seek Grace for such Shraddha and Bhakti to come into your child's life so that Guru within dawns for the child!
Chant Guru Gayathri 27 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 11th August 2017
Tithi : Chaturthi
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Uttara Bhadrapada
Yoga : Sukarma
Karna : Bava
Shivoham !
Chaturthi, Shukra Vaara, Uttara Bhadrapada , Sukarma Yoga, Bava Karna.
The day will have intense play of Mind and emotions. Observe your actions .
Take three deep Inhalation-exhalations before deciding on a course of action.
Seek the Grace of Elders and Pitrus today and ask for their help in making future paths for yourself.
Chant Shani Gayatri 33 times and Chandra Gayathri 18 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 12th August 2017
Tithi : Panchami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Uttara Bhadrapada/Revathi
Yoga : Dhruti
Karna : Koulava
Shivoham !
Panchami, Shani Vaara, Uttara Bhadrapada/Revathi   Nakshatra, Dhruti Yoga, Koulava Karna.
Karma is the chain of action-reaction sequencing. Actions could be physical or mental .
It appears that the game goes on forever. It seems endless . Is mankind eternally bound to this Samsara Chakra ?
Jnana or knowledge acquired by the Grace of Guru, and coupled with discrimination in usage are basic requirements for progress and end to the Karmic chain.
There is a confluence of great energies supporting discrimination today - powered by Guru, Shani and Mangala.
Seek Grace for your child to walk on the path of true knowledge.
Shivoham !

Date : 13th August 2017
Tithi : Shasthi
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Ashwini
Yoga : Shoola
Karna : Garaja
Shivoham !
Shasthi, Ravi Vaara, Ashwini Nakshatra, Shoola Yoga, Garaja Karna.
Today is a day of action and movement. Movement is a sign of life-force or Praana.
Action or Kriya should be based on the foundation of Kalpana. When Action works in combination with Desire and Knowledge- then it becomes purposeful.
Teach this to your child . Before embarking on any course of action today, breathe easily and confluence your Knowledge-Desires-Action.
Chant Surya Gayatri 15 times and Guru Gayathri 9 times today !
Shivoham !
Date : 14th August 2017
Tithi : Saptami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Ashwini
Yoga : Ganda
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Saptami, Soma Vaara, Ashwini Nakshatra, Ganda Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
A day of spiritual energies - good time to begin practices !
The mind is the conduit between the spiritual and sensorial realms of human existence.
All my experiences of emotion and action are reflected in the mind.
Budha and Chandra Oversee the Intellect, Mind, and Emotions.
Seek Grace for your child to find the blend and balance between the realms of existence.
Chant Chandra Gayathri 18 times today and Shani Gayatri 33 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 15th August 2017
Tithi : Ashtami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Kruttika
Yoga : Vrudhi/Dhruva
Karna : Baalava
Shivoham !
Janma Ashtami
Ashtami, Mangala Vaara, Kruttika Nakshatra, Vrudhi/Dhruva Yoga, Baalava Karna
Devi and Her son Karthikeya shower their blessings today.
Mangala as the name is - stands for auspiciousness. Mangala is a Graha as well as a Devata . An energy so powerful that it infuses ability and power to take on the world.
Such is the independence He bestows on seekers.
Seek Grace for the active energies to guide you and make the way.
Chant Mangala Gayathri 21 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 16th August 2017
Tithi : Navami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Rohini
Yoga : Vyaghaata
Karna : Garija
Shivoham !
Navami, Budha Vaara, Rohini Nakshatra, Vyaghaata Yoga, Garija Karna.
The day following Krishna's birth in Mathura lead to celebration in Vrindavan!
The mind plays the most active role with the sense organs when we are awake. The sense of being alive and in  makes us human. Becoming aware that , I am that human but also have more as ME, makes me spiritual!
That journey is fascinating. Your child knows it - in and out ! That does not remain in Memory and hence goes seeking! That's the journey of life !
Seek Grace for child to become a powerful seeker !
Chant Budha Gayatri 24 times and Shani Gayatri 33 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 17th August 2017
Tithi : Dashami
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Mrugashira
Yoga : Harshana
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Dashami, Guru Vaara, Mrugashira Nakshatra, Harshana Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
A day when the energies of Rahu-Ketu move to the next house in the cycle.
Rahu-Ketu signify the active and complementing forces which cause the movement of energy in life.
The Masters - Sun, Guru and Mangala, Shani are observing this closely and guiding with their energy.
A good day for silence of 10 minutes and meditative practice. Chant Devi songs and shlokas in the evening.
Shivoham !

Date : 18th August 2017
Tithi : Ekadasi
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Aridra
Yoga : Vajra
Karna : Baalava
Shivoham !
Ekadasi,Shukra Vaara, Aridra Nakshatra, Vajra Yoga , Baalava Karna.
Ekadasi is a day when energies are good to bring back focus in life. Day on day, we are all so engaged with worrying /thinking about the future or obsessing / regretting about the past.
Present - Right Here Now - is where life is happening ! To be in this moment is to live life , if not we miss the chance.
Today, Chandra,  Shukra and Rahu confluence - take the opportunity to be in this moment.
Stay silent for 10 minutes and just observe your Breath! Teach this technique to your child !
Shivoham !

Date : 19th August 2017
Tithi : Dwadashi/Trayodashi
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Punarvasu
Yoga : Siddhi
Karna : Taitala
Shivoham !
Dwadashi/Trayodashi, Shani Vaara, Punarvasu Nakshatra, Siddhi Yoga, Taitala Karna.
Karma is execution by action and thought. Shani hence influences both feelings, thoughts and body actions.
Today , Shani , Budha and Mangala create a Confluence of active working and thinking energies. Take up physical actions with measured thoughts.
Seek the Grace of Shani to conclude the effects of the day's Karma with Peace.
Speak to the child about Patience and Peace and how they are linked.
Shivoham !

Date : 20th August 2017
Tithi : Chaturdashi
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Pushya
Yoga : Vyateepaata
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Chaturdashi, Ravi Vaara, Pushya Nakshatra, Vyateepaata Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
A day of seemingly conflicting energies in confluence !
Surya is an expansive and pulsating being.
Shani takes the opposite end of slow and exhausting being. Rahu expands and limits energies of Surya !
A good day for introspection-how do opposites converge ? When do they display their unique features ? What do they present in both states.
Ruminate and teach to your child in the womb. Chant Surya Gayatri 15 times in the morning and evening ; Chant Shani Gayatri 33 times.
Shivoham !

Date : 21st August 2017
Tithi : Amavasya
Paksha : Krushna paksha
Nakshatra : Aslesha
Yoga : Variyaan/Parigha
Karna : Chatuspada
Shivoham !
Amavasya, Soma Vaara, Aslesha Nakshatra, Variyaan/Parigha Yoga, Chatuspada Karna.
Continuing the contemplative mood of yesterday, observe the synchronous movement of Sun and Moon. Today there is a Surya Grahana visible in parts of Africa, Europe and America.
Stay silent , hear the sounds of the wind and trees. 
Do not venture into anything bold and needing quick action today.
Chant the Navagraha Prayers for all the Grahas.
Shivoham !

Date : 22nd August 2017
Tithi : Prathami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Makha
Yoga : Shiva
Karna : Kimstughna
Shivoham !
Prathami, Mangala Vaara, Makha Nakshatra, Shiva Yoga, Kimstughna Karna.
Bhadrapada Maasa is the continuation of Varsha Ritu.
Rains bring the fertility back into soul and life. Rains and Greenery surround us all.
The first fortnight we celebrate Gowri-Ganapati- Ananta Vratas and the next fortnight we pray to the Pitrus.
Silently look to the skies and thank heavens for their bounties. Look at the earth and thank Her for giving you all in this life.
Pray to all the Pancha Tatvas - Akasha , Vaayu, Agni, Jala and Pruthvi.
Explain the significance to your child.
Shivoham !

Date : 23rd August 2017
Tithi : Dwiteeya
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Shathabisha
Yoga : Shobhana
Karna : Taitula
Shivoham !
Dwiteeya, Budha Vaara, Shathabisha Nakshatra, Shobhana Yoga , Taitula Karan.
A day of Budha's transactional energies. Good day to begin new studies or learning. It is also a good day to begin documentation or teaching.
The highest of all knowledge is Self-Knowledge. Sit for a minute and ask for this from the Universe!
Chant Budha Gayatri 24 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 24th August 2017
Tithi : Triteeya
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Uttara Phalguni
Yoga : Sadhya
Karna : Taitula
Shivoham !
Triteeya, Guru Vaara, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Sadhya Yoga, Taitula Karan.
Devi Maa comes today as the epitome of Grace!
She bestows Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Success and Health on seekers.
Ultimately She puts us in a plane of knowledge to make our journey of life worthy!
Chant Devi Stutis and Stotras today!
"Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu,
Maatru Roopena Samsthitaa
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai
Namo Namaha!!! "
Shivoham !

Date : 25th August 2017
Tithi : Chaturthi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Hastha
Yoga : Shubha
Karna : Vanija
Chaturthi, Shukra Vaara, Hastha Nakshatra, Shubha Yoga, Vanija Karna.
Today we worship the Lord of Obstacles or "Vighna Easwara". He who has the power to create obstacles, has the power to eliminate them.
Overcoming obstacles needs knowledge, desire to overcome and ability to walk the path. When we do these - we learn, and evolve. This becomes an inspired life and one of Grace!
Chant " Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" 21 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 26th August 2017
Tithi : Panchami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Chitta
Yoga : Shukla
Karna : Bava
Shivoham !
Panchami, Shani Vaara, Chitta Nakshatra, Shukla Yoga, Bava Karan.
Rishis gave us the knowledge of everything that mankind would every need. They were extraordinary persons who digested the entire ocean and gave us the rivers and ponds to live by.
The Guru is essential one who gives - to enable the other. There is no expectation of return, it is one way transmission. Today is a day of giving - and as a seeker being thankful to the Universe, Rishis and Teachers who make us what we are.
Teach the knowledge of "Fullness" to your child.
Chant Guru Gayatri 27 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 27th August 2017
Tithi : Shasthi
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Swati
Yoga : Brahma
Karna : Koulava
Shivoham !
Shasthi, Ravi Vaara, Swati Nakshatra, Brahma Yoga, Koulava Karna.
Skanda Guru Natha or Karthikeya is the Deva Senapati. He causes symmetry and the removal of asymmetry !
He functions through the Anahata Chakra to work at Mind patterns as Mangala.
He is the Benevolent Lord who has full compassion for all humanity!
"Om Tat Purushaaya Vidmahe,
Mahaasenaaya Dheemahi,
Tanno Skandaha Prachodayaat "
Shivoham !

Date : 28th August 2017
Tithi : Saptami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Vishakha
Yoga : Indra
Karna : Garija
Shivoham !
Saptami, Soma Vaara, Vishakha Nakshatra, Indra Yoga, Garija Karna.
Strong emotions will expand today . Guru will steer the days energies towards higher knowledge and thinking.
Be in the flow of a seeker and look for things above just what is seen by senses.
Chant Chandra Gayatri 18 times and Guru Gayatri 27 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 29th August 2017
Tithi : Ashtami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Anuradha
Yoga : Vaidhruti
Karna : Bhadra
Shivoham !
Ashtami, Mangala Vaara, Anuradha Nakshatra, Vaidhruti Yoga, Bhadra Karna.
Action is driven by Thinking or Feelings. When action is based on the foundation of knowledge, it is purposeful.
Today's energies are conducive for Wisdom to Dawn - which is truly Knowledge in Action.
Measure your actions today and enjoy the process as much as looking for the result!
Chant Shani Gayatri 33 times and Mangala Gayathri 21 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 30th August 2017
Tithi : Navami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Jyestha
Yoga : Vishkhumba
Karna : Baalava
Shivoham !
Navami, Budha Vaara, Jyestha Nakshatra, Vishkhumba Yoga, Baalava Karna.
Budha and Shani energies combine today. Budha is quick thinking, fast and in search of novelty. Shani is slow, methodical and consistent.
In life we need both abilities. Making the choice of which to use and when is a matter of discretion or wisdom.
Knowledge comes sensorially from experience or intuitively from within.
Explain this matrix to your child and seek Grace for the Holistic Development.
Chant Budha Gayatri 24 times and Shani Gayatri 33 times today.
Shivoham !

Date : 31st August 2017
Tithi : Dashami
Paksha : Shukla paksha
Nakshatra : Moola
Yoga : Preeti
Karna : Taitula
Shivoham !
Dashami, Guru Vaara, Moola Nakshatra , Preeti Yoga, Taitula Karna.
Guru and Budha in a powerful combination to create benefits through learning.
If the seeking is earnest, Guru manifests. Shraddha and Bhakti are the lamps which show the path and are generated from within.
Seek Grace for the child for the light to illumine from within and guide your child at all times.
Chant Guru Gayathri 27 times and Budha Gayatri 24 times today.

Shivoham !


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